Monday, August 24, 2009

IF- Caution

This one was done with black ink and colored pencil. The background color didn't scan very well but I think it still works! Thanks to Pat and Cathy for the inspiration on this one... I guess sometimes thinking caps DO look like orange cones!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mystery Photo Contest

Can you guess what this is??

If so, post a comment and I'll randomly choose from the correct answers and send that person a prize! If you have no idea, make a silly guess... never hurts to have some fun and show off your sense of humor :o)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I am not a Spider Killer

Pat and I spotted this little spider spinning a web on the back license plate of a car in the parking lot this morning when we got to work. We decided to take a picture with my phone... it's extra cool because it is actually a shot of the underside of the spider.
Eventually, a security officer stopped by... "Is everything okay over there ladies?" He seemed skeptical at first but then very interested when we showed him our cool shots... but then.... who wouldn't be?!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

IF- Impatience

I am not impatient with my life. My life is impatient with me!

Monday, August 3, 2009

IF- Modify

I wanted to attempt a Zentangle but was not in a positive state when I set out to try it.

I decided to modify these song lyrics to portray a sense of being trapped and to express the feelings of desperation that can sometimes accompany depression or “the blues.”

I've found that Zentangles are indeed therapeutic!!