Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bug Off

Yesterday, when I went out to my car to leave for work, there were bugs all over my car... not the typical infamous Midges but new GIANT bugs...
Took this pic through the windshield with my phone.

The car next to me was even worse off.

The bugs eventually got blown off as I drove to work but I thought the expereince was blogworthy. :o)


  1. That's a great bug picture! I'm glad they eventually 'bugged off' ! I also love your new banner. Is that from the art studio tour we went on?

  2. Yes! Cool that you recognized it.

  3. These are mayflies, sometimes they appear in really big numbers for a few days... is there a river/lake nearby? I love the photo of the one taken through the windshield!

  4. Hi Joe! Yes... I live on Lake Erie. And you're right. They only stuck around for about two days or so.
