Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Illustration Friday: Drifting

Doodled this on a purple post-it at work while I was waiting for my computer to reboot. Decided to try the Illustration Friday thing I've heard so much about. :o)


  1. The image really captures a dreamy atmosphere. Good choice of cool colour tones. The sleeping figure resembles your profile picture. Are dreams often your subject matter?

  2. Thank you for your comment James! The profile picture was actually inspired by Da Vinci's "Head of a Woman"... Today's sketch is what immediately popped into my head when I read the word "Drifting"... I've recently been browsing a book of Picasso's works so that may have influenced it a little. The colors were coincidental. I had purple post-its sitting on my desk and a blue pen in my hand! :o) seems to have worked though.

  3. Welcome to Illustration Friday! Hope you have fun with it. Good first choice!

  4. oh thank goodness for post its right!
